and that is what makes it sad. - you justify bad behaviour by saying that reality is bad behaviour. so your own behaviour is victim to your own self fulfilling prophecy instead of trying your own very best.
if everyones attitude was like the one you described - it is no wonder things may go downhill - while at the same time everyone complained that things go downhill.
but you may answer that question:
would you prefer much more restrictions that may assess if someone is capable/worthy of wielding greater power that affects other players? - or do you prefer the freedom to (mostly) do what you like - for the good and the bad of those you play with.
when you offer freedom, you will always get those that exploit it. - when you restrict them more, you may achieve a more homogenous enviroment at the cost of chances to evolve creativity.
just to comment on that before you may choose to reply or not. restrictive systems have been viewed as something that is holding players back. ( see closed factions ) ... the discussion is fairly old indeed. - battleships come to mind and how freely they are available ( or for that matter ... even VHF )
edit: i do however give you that ... maybe i am - as i may call it - a bit more idealistic than you are and not stuck in a downwards struggle regarding disco as a cesspool of bad behaviour and trolls. who knows - maybe you are right and you, the players, can really not deal with ingame problems yourself anymore and need to be led by the hand.
I'd prefer it if we didn't add things in that would obviously be exploited. It's one thing to be an asshat with standard game mechanics, it's quite another to add in an ill-thought mechanic and go 'OH HEY LOOK AT THIS' while refusing to actively manage their usage. As coin said,
Quote:Player bases are ships. players control them. If a player was shooting everything that was red, without warning - that would be a sanction.
why should it be any different for player bases?
Also, I love the implication that I take no responsibility for my actions. Nice one. It seems you totally ignored the content of my post to chase a red herring. I never said the 'world', I never implied the 'world' - I said Discovery. This community of full of douchebags, end of.