(01-17-2013, 11:53 AM)monmarfori Wrote: Try nerfing base health that gives one who siege the base easier to deplete supplies.
I spend 1h daily on base-related rp/flying and I do not want to spend more.
If you want to down a base, down it fast enough. If you let it grow past level 1, it is your own responsibility. Then it will stay as long as players keep it supplied. And for a toy that has many many hundreds of hours spent on it, that's only fair.
Please only comment on my statement, if you have been responsible for the management and upkeeping of a base for longer than 6 months (because you'll learn the pain after the honey-moon "this is sooo new and soooo cool" phase is over).
Bases are fine.
Fix the few ones that are harming gameplay.
Try this fixing by talking to the players/factions that are responsible for it.
Keep in mind: The fixes for the 3 bases that intuitively come to my mind are really easy to achieve:
> a less aggressive defense mode for some player bases (Itabashi), which can be done by typing 1 line.
> a little less efficient turret placement that doesn't cause insta kills but keeps the rp of "this is our space and you are not welcome" (GC, KC) intact, and does drain some bots on large ships and thus keeps its visible rp effect.
Oh please. So what if your shiny toy gets killed? It's YOUR responsibility to aptly defend it. You shouldn't solely rely on its defense network (in fact, if you get to that point you're already doing it wrong) to stop the base from dying. YOU should defend it. Bases are overpowered, this is something we've seen demonstrated on numerous occasions.