Rachel sighs heavily, speaking in a somewhat shaky tone as the recording begins.
"I...saw a ghost today. That's...really, the best way to describe it. He was using an encrypted identification code, and flying under the callsign of a classified division of the Navy, but..it was just all wrong.."
She sighs again before continuing.
"I didn't get him to admit that I was right, and his voice was being distorted by his helmet mic...so I really don't even have any proof that the pilot was who I think but...I just..No. I KNOW it was Sanders, I know it was."
Rachel shifts in her seat, her movement causing faint but audible shuffling sounds in addition to the sound of throat clearing.
"I don't get it...he's a deserter, a traitor even, running out to join some pirate band, at least that was the story I heard. He ran out on the Navy when we needed people like him the most, and yet...I can't bring myself to see him as a coward...God, what the hell is wrong with me?"
She laughs sullenly, taking a sharp breath before continuing.
"I should've detained him, or destroyed his ship...or some damn thing! I was sure about his identity and I let him get away, I watched him fly off and I couldn't stop him...a traitor to The Republic and I didn't stop him. I let the past, no, I let my emotions prevent me from doing my damn job...I have to find him, I will find him..and I WILL get to the bottom of this mess..."
The pop of a can being opened can be heard in the background.
"That man made a fool of me today...I will prove that he's who I believe him to be, and I WILL make sure that if he won't serve The Republic in a Navy uniform, he'll do so in a prison uniform."
She sighs softly, picking up the recording device, fumbling it around a bit, causing audible interference.
"...Yeah, I'm done for now."
She sets the recorder back down on the table before turning it off.