Earlier today, my brother Henri brought up the new docking module that he acquired. This module was equipped alongside the other aboard our Lucullus flagship UCN-Minerva.
Eager to test out the modules' capabilities, Madame Selan Jeros and Lieutenant Fisheye docked their fighters with us at Cordes Outpost. On the instructions of General Logarus, we embarked from there to patrol Gallic Space. When UCN-Minerva reached Lorraine, we traversed through Omicron 80 and Alpha to the Taus. To our disappointment, there were no hostile encounters along the way.
At Java, the pilots undocked and conversed with some of the vessels in the vicinity. After a while, we left for Cordes to finish the circuit. Visual Attachments.
Aide-de-Camp Raoul Gardon,
Unione Corse Armed Division
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)