Unfortunately, given the number of people that play on the server, now and then you're going to run into people who don't behave in the way you might want them to. The best suggestion I can give is to laugh it off, and try a new system for a few hours, or take a break if it really is bothering you. Go for a walk. Make a sandwich. Watch a comedy. It's only a game, after all, and games exist to be fun.
I've alternately pirated and policed Liberty for three odd years now, and I can only recall one encounter on my pirate character that I couldn't talk or fly my way out of. Turned out to be the transport I was trying to pirate, shot my Bloodhound down without a word. In a way, it comes with the territory. There's some great RP-er's in Liberty, and I've had a fantastic time there. There's also some very inexperienced players. In general, there's a lot of everything. The odd plasma burst is the price we pay for the other encounters.
It all depends on your attitude. One doesn't fly in Liberty to de-stress, after all.