The problem that effects my gameplay the most is from independent pirates, since I'm a smuggler using a trading facade it would be complicated to hire a scout which is a difficulty I fully acknowledge as my own choice. This can usually be dealt with by fast-talking to the prospective pirate which is the cornerstone of my RP, I'm a dealer not a fighter.
However I do come across those pesky indy pirates (untagged or just pirate ID'd) who simply refuse to accept any form of RP, they won't haggle or deal issuing the same "X mill or we'll open fire." Those kind of pirates are fine in moderation, space is dangerous after all but when you're facing the same thing constantly it simply isn't fun. Why log on when all I'm going to get is a glorified answering machine with guns?
What is the point in suffering, what is quite frankly bullying, in a game meant for enjoyment? I don't, I play a different game.
That is the cause of my reluctance so what can be done about it? Nothing much unless you can change the mindset of those pirates. Personally I'd set the pirate ID to hostile with everything but zoners and junkers to reflect their independent nature and limit or remove cap ships from piracy.
I guess that mirrors the opinions of some who want to limit the freedom of indies, which ironically is the label I would fall under. Sadly I see no other way of forcing people to accept the consequences of their actions, you can't do much to an open ID and so long as they stay within the current rules they can't be touched.