1: Balance the game properly including the 4.86 stuff. There are enough topics and suggestions how to do it. I wont go deep here in order not to post wall of text, it is already posted 100 times.
For example the Cruiser/Bs pirates are easy to fix by adding new transp shield that reflects 70-80% of the cap guns dps. Make the shield costly-20-30 m and taking 300 cargo space- so everyone is happy. Such simple solutions could be introduced in all cases if one cares to implement them.
2: Add small dead penalty to every ship, huge penalties to battleship class but make it real battleship. Introduce chance to loose the base produced stuff by dieing. Add Base siege ship.
3: Cut the trade income and mining income by 80% It is more then clear that by getting the best stuff in 1 week play would not keep the players interested in game.
4: Kill or fix the barge class ships
5: Reduce the system numbers- cut all not needed stuff.
6: More stuff for official factions.
7: Cash wipe- I does not know if this is possible but it is better solution then wiping all accounts- just leave every ship with 1 million on it. It would fix the deflation in the economy.
From the whole story only the reducing of the systems is hard-it screws totally the trading and transport system and Xoria must re-do again everything but it is may be the most needed thing.4.85 Dublin showed us that interaction creates more interaction and more activity- rotating the mining bonus on different locations create even more activity and stop the silliness, having 2-3 times more systems then players is plain silly. The rest is really easy. Oversimplifying the game is killing it, also the other basic economy law- if the supply is bigger then the demand the demand decreases, if the demand is bigger then the supply the demand increases- it may sound illogical but this is how it works.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)