Lucendez left the doctor's office clutching his medication in one hand and waving half-heartedly to the doctor with the other. The Elder was just about to go home when he dropped by the Brotherhood recruiting office to check on the new applicants.
The one identified as Vince was just finished with his test, and the Elder looked over the answers.
"My word young man, this is impressive! Well done! You are accepted into TBH, brother. Don't forget to check in at the private comms channel at Oh, and meet either an Elder or Centurion in space and we'll get you loaded out with your Titan and equipment. Plus the bonus 20 million creds."
The Elder shook the brother's hand firmly. This was a proud day for him, seeing the fire in the young man's eyes.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."