(03-12-2013, 05:13 AM)ryoken Wrote: Going to starfliers would be pointless. It would still ruin alot of RP. For example why would say "admiral Hale" be in a starflier, and not atleast a military fighter?
Also it would be hours upon endless hours to start up 20-30-40 chars in starflees. So again time i do not have to waste recovering my chars. So i would say screw it and leave.
That's why it'd be better to have a complete wipe, I'd throw in forums too, factions, stories, comms, anything to do with the server before the wipe. With no characters to recover and no previous stories to tie people down we may actually see some diverse and interesting RP going on.
Quote:Took me 6+ years to get what i have, and that was when i had alot more time due to being younger, and not working. Older now, and working, so all wiping out ships would do is give all the younger kids, and lolwuts with more time then brains a chance to get ahead of vets, and basically run amoke all over the server.
A cash wipe is fine, it gets rid of billions, but atleast players keep thier chars/ships. As for people storing cap8s like you say? Why would staff need to tell people ahead of time this was coming if they decided to do it.
Either way this would not help with server population, it would actually hinder it. Many would leave if they lost cash, and a huge amount would leave if they all started from flees.
If people are only sticking around because they have a lot to lose it'd factor in to the current decline, without the willingness to start over we get stagnation.
Starting entirely from scratch is the only fair way as removing money would only hit those like me who don't have a lot of time to play and don't have much money. New players won't be effected since they have hardly anything and veterans won't be effected because they still have their legions of ships.
Truth of the matter is lolwuts are already running amok and players with more free time are always going have more money. That should not impact our willingness to play.
Quote:1 example of this. World of Tanks. I was in closed, and open Beta. We had 50K average players in Beta, then everything wiped when it opened, and now we average 30-40k at busiest hour.
Funny you should mention WoT, I've just read an article about it breaking a world record for the most players on a single server, 190k on RU2 I believe. Seems if folks enjoy a game they'll play it regardless.
Let's face it, there's never going to be a perfect solution, we continue on course RP dies off and people leave, we wipe the database, people lose accounts and leave. People will leave no matter what happens, I'd much rather see a reborn Disco with all the improvements that can't be made without wiping and give it one last go before Star Citizen either descends from the heavens on a fiery chariot to deliver us to the promised land or fails utterly.