(04-03-2013, 06:41 AM)EisenSeele Wrote: Especially after having my lone cruiser ganked by a trio of [LN] gunboats and a cloaking dread just two hours prior? Hell no XD
First off, you brought a cruiser to a snub brawl, and we brought something to fight back. Second, only one gunboat was [LN]. Third, you weren't alone. You had 3 fighters a bomber, and Planet Hamburg on your side.
Snub brawl my bum. The fight started out as equivalent snubs. Then you guys fielded gunboats two [LN] tagged gunboats in Bering initially, and I was asked for help. Then another pair of SFC Assaults and a decloaking dread showed up as the fight moved to Hamburg XD
I'm not even counting your snubs here because they were only mobile cd platforms
Long story short you got us good, we didn't get butthurt, then we got you good, then you got butthurt. Chill, it's a game
Also, I'm pretty sure Joe mentioned the treaty of bethlehem being void in a thread or two, or skype. I could go looking if you'd like XD
Also, you didn't pursue anything into the NFZ, unless you're suggesting that you engaged the base outside of the NFZ and then the base ran into it - and you were being an aggressor inside the NFZ, and you were loitering inside the NFZ, which means that you are an exemption to the Freeport NFZ. :| You were given about three whole minutes to clear out, as we just sat there - but you didn't take it so... next time just bring an escort (the [LN] is great at amassing a large force of escorts so it shouldn't be a problem)