Well, I've taken a look at the LSF and other intelligence faction IDs. Quite interesting ideas there, I must say. Got a few concerns though, or at least some points that could use clarifying.
LSF ID Wrote:- Can hunt Military pilots of houses Liberty is at war with within and outside their Zone of Influence.
Do Police and Intelligence faction pilots of hostile Houses fall under this as well? Because I think it would make sense.
Order ID Wrote:- Can hunt Wild, Nomad, Outcasts, BHG, Core, LSF, MND, Kempeitai and BIS.
It would make sense if the intelligence factions could retaliate and hunt the Order everywhere, I guess.
Any Intelligence Faction ID Wrote:Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
It seems that the cruisers were excluded from the list. I can see the intent here (the IDs have become a bit more flexible and clear; plus, it'd prevent House Intelligence cruisers roaming around hostile space and cargo-pirating hostile corporations). Of course, it'd be sad to lose access to the ships we've had for a while (like =LSF=Mount.Iliamna, which has existed for as long as I can remember).
Of course, the ships could be de-tagged, re-IDed and RPed as House Navy ships assigned under Intelligence Faction's command (or SRPed, if the tag matters that much), but the proposal leaves me with mixed feelings (though I still like the ideas you've come up with).
P.S.: And yes, Sad has a point here. The IDs should leave more room for improvisation. Yes, I do realise that some people would rather have the ID describe all possible scenarios instead. It's a two-way street.