I like the idea overall but a question has arisen, maybe this has been discussed in devs logs and I didn't see it. Several or the corporations now have
Quote: Can hunt pirates and terrorists within their Zone of Influence.
So what this is saying is that the corporation fighters can hunt any pirates in their zoi, rather like the navy and police can? This sure does make defending our convoys, mining groups and space easier. But was this definately intentional? Also I see prexisting lines for killing fighters is now slightly changed. For example the DSE ID has the above line, which it didn't before and still has the
Quote:Can hunt Lane Hackers outside their Zone of Influence.
I suppose this is too clarify that we can hunt these enemies anywhere as before?
Also the Rogue ID
Quote:Zone of Influence: Liberty and independent systems directly bordering Liberty, Shikoku
Shouldn't New Tokyo be in the zoi (without cruisers) and for Brigands
Quote:Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus
shouldn't they have Kyushu and New Tokyo? Due to this.
EDIT: Also the Rogue ID misses out Humbolt (and Kansas?) which it currently does anyways.