Zoners are civilians who have rejected house rule. They are generally isolationists, and prefer to live outside of house borders, unburdened by house laws. They generally welcome both lawful and unlawful factions. Zoners avoid conflict when possible, however this does not exempt Zoners from piracy by many unlawful factions.
Pilot carrying this ID is a Zoner who:
- Can attack pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.
- Cannot dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within House Space.
- Cannot dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo within House Space, except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls or unlawfuls except GMG and The Order.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
In my view nothing did change with this. Only a better way to put it. I only have 1 problem with the first line.
Quote:- Can attack pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.
I wonder myself what allies? (only Order and GMG if i am not mistaken.) also the neutral ships. Like? all other non rephacked? I would change it back that like you could do in the past only defend your own. As i see how it goes already in the omicrons this only provokes 1 order and a huge zoner cap fleet. the order attacks BHG or nomad and a whole group shoots. If thats the case then well. Zoners are indeed a militairy force from the next version.
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