I'll just cover the two relevant ID's for my faction:
Quote:; dsy_license_gd_bh_grp
Bounty Hunters Guild ID
Bounty Hunters Guild
The Bounty Hunters Guild is a well-established mercenary group who specialise in hunting criminals and terrorists. A large number of bounty hunters are ex-criminals. All unlawfuls treat the Bounty Hunters as enemies.
Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a Bounty Hunter, who:
- Can attack pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of corporate bases.
- Can fulfill lawful bounty and escort contracts against both lawful and unlawful targets.
- May treat trade vessels as combat targets in pursuit of a bounty or escort contract.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
Line 1 - sounds reasonable.
Line 2 - fits in with the RP and ties up that loose end regarding bounties from one house upon another house
Line 3 - 'in pursuit' - change that to 'when taking' or something similar, so it reduces the confusion
Lines 4-6 - again, sounds good. The Guild does sometimes work with, but never allies with, unlawfuls in pursuit of someone. (The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, but sometimes is one I don't shoot. Hey, Hessian, I won't shoot at you if you help me kill that Corsair, okay?)
Quote:; dsy_license_gd_bh_guardian
Bounty Hunters Guild Core ID
Bounty Hunters Guild Core
The BHG Core is a paramilitary faction which developed from and is funded by the Bounty Hunters Guild. The Core focuses around acquiring and developing new (Nomad) technologies to strengthen the Bounty Hunters Guild. Their enemies are the Nomads, Wild and The Order. Core members are not mercenaries and may not hunt bounties.
Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the BHG Core who:
- Can attack lawfuls, pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of bases of the same affiliation within and outside their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt pirates and terrorists within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by the BHG Core within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt Wild, Nomad and Order ships.
- Can hunt vessels equipped with Nomad equipment.
- Can demand Alien Artifacts, Nomad equipment and remains, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply with contraband demands, refuse to cooperate or are affiliated with a house or organisation considered hostile by the BHG Core within their Zone of Influence.
- Cannot bring Cruisers or Battleships into any system containing a Jump Gate with the exception of Sigma-19, Sigma-17 and Nomad systems.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
Zone of Influence: Omegas, Omicrons
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Nicely worded, with really only a couple of small points of that I'd like to see changed or clarified:
Line 4 / 5 - Can hunt Wild, Nomad, and Order ships anywhere. Can hunt vessels equipped with Nomad equipment anywhere. - or at least something from you that signifies that's you're understanding, as well, so there's no confusion.
That way if we get into a pursuit of a Nomad ship that takes us into house space, we're covered. (It does happen.) And then we have teamed up with members of the regular Guild in dealing with pirates while working our way back out of house space, which the ID does allow. (Not hunting bounties, simply helping defend allied shipping.)
Also clarification that bases of same affiliation means Guild or Core, since the two organizations are intertwined, which is how I take it. Sometimes we do have people from the Core head in to Sheffield or Deshima on escort missions.
Note that I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with the restrictions upon our larger caps, regardless of the screaming, ranting, or whining of other players. I do NOT want to see a revisit to the dark days of the DarkWing...
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.