There are many loop-holes in the zoner ID and everyone exploit them one way or another, this illusion of "peacekeepers" was purposely placed to weaken it, when in truth ( as jinx said ) the zoners are way more powerful than the other factions in the region, that includes the corsairs ( wethe they like it or not, they exist purely because of zoners - INRP ) and having said all that, because zoners are individuals and are "neutral.. yeah right" they may choose who to help and who not to help ( Im reffering to indie zoners ). I fail to see why people haven't learned anything from the "omicroners" - inrp you must have a faction that is willing to standup for zoners, not the phoney balony diplomacy of hand shaking here and there and dismiss things out of hand, like " ow its a zoner killing.. lets go home" - People never tired of telling me " you wanna shoot someone? be a hessian! " - quick get out of jail card eh? Trust me I can always dock and relog with another ship but that causes division and pure metagaming. It is the other factions that need to cring under the zoners, not the other way around. Inrp if you had someone realistic he would ban any zoner-pirating ship but for some reason it is accepted as if its ok. It's not enough that inrp zoners feed crete, they must also be pirated as well and get away with it in the proceeds ( I realize thats what pirates are meant to do ) Why do you think we've created the "Zoner alliance" ? and why do you think they are upset by us? It's because unlike others we pay retribution to anyone who dares to mess with the zoners, Im sure they tear their hair out if frustration now that they can't pirate zoners freely, Anything that upsets low-minded people who exploit every loop-hole in this game is a little more joy to me and my friends.