O:O=Audio Log Zero 8=O:O
O:O=Video Recorder Enabled=O:O
O:O=Identification: Pilot Charles=O:O
Konnichiwa Guildsmen and Women,
I'm busting out the good sushi knives tonight and for good reason.
Because I'm royally ticked..
While we have been known to ship fuel to those 'under the table', we haven't had any problems with our buyers as of yet. Until tonight.
While on patrol around Naha due to the fallout from the recent toaster attacks, I decided to check out Hegoland, and to my surprise I came acorss a bunch of Hessians firing upon it.
I didn't think much about it at first, until one of them had the outright gall to demand 100 million credits from me. Yeah. And I'm a Samura stockholder..
They had the company of an [RETRACTED] pilot. Kinda ugly ship he flew but eh, I'm not complaining. He told these... Von guys... to stop firing upon me, so they did for a while and me the [RETRACTED] pilot talked for a bit until Kako arrived. I told her what happened and the Von's made off to sigma 17.
We followed em for a bit and when I jump into the system, they were firing upon us and both the [RETRACTED] pilots.
Then we wasted all three cruisers.
I'm holding all current visuals on this incendent for further study and putting forward a recommendation to halt all current Hessian fuel shipments til these morons can be dealt with.
P.S. I'm trying out a new sushi dish I just thought of. I call it... Blood Dragon Tempura. Fried Eel and Rice coated in a curry based crust... MmMmmm Spicy!
O:O=End of Audio Log=O:O
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005