Miguel needed a break from the council meeting, he was walking down the small street leading up to the council hall, and noticed people waiting in the Brotherhood recruitment office. He walked over to see what was going on. Walking into the office, he noticed 4 applicants sitting in the waiting area. Miguel walked over to the counter, and picked up the stack of applications. The first 2, Gunner and Kybriez, looked good enough, and elder would have to come administer the test for them, but the second 2, Vasquez, and "nimblewright" were both missing the basic background information required of all new members. They would have to fix that before they could be considered for membership. Putting down the applications, he looked at the office administration, and wrote down a note, on the outside it said, "Elders", he passed it to the administrator, and left the office.
//Nimblewright and Vasquez, we need more background information for your characters.//