(05-17-2013, 08:14 AM)Ceoran Wrote: And then there's the daily request to have the GMG ID changed to pirate "outside of house space" instead of "inside their ZOI" to fall in line with everyone else. This makes them drop Honshu and Frankfurt (where the ID would be open to abuse otherwise) but will let them gain all the between-house systems they may visit while delivering their products.
(05-20-2013, 09:28 AM)Ceoran Wrote: I still consider limiting the GMG to only pirate outside of house space a proper move even from a RP-perspective. There are various reasons.
It just doesn't make sense to attack Kruger and Samura in Honshu and Frankfurt. Rheinland and Kusari wouldn't tolerate it without rendering the GMG a criminal organisation.
Neither of the two aforementioned factions can retaliate in said systems.
Not even the Hogosha can pirate the GMG in Honshu. Or anyone else for that matter.
Should diplomatic relations change to be outright hostile, the GMG has the according line to engage their enemies in Honshu and Frankfurt as well, but at the cost of not being able to safely traverse the according house.
The alternative I can see is pre-emptively rephacking the GMG hostile to the mentioned factions because it will happen anyway after the first incident. That would however give them a happy ride either direction out of their systems.
Did i miss an answer to this, or is there still a discussion about it somewhere in the Dev/Admin chats?
EDIT 2: Question answered. Reading the OP post with the ID's is helpful sometimes. :$
Thanks Brad....
(05-27-2013, 02:19 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Hans Sauerkraut
Hahahaha. This one made my day. Join the LWB| with this Charactername and you will be a Star !!!