An organization that has been around for centuries; in the shadows, out in the light, their operations not entirely known to all but a few. Rumored to have been started in the early second century AGS, they were formed by and since then led by those with connections.
Initially, they had no qualms with the laws set by the Gallic Crown. They funded explorations that led further into the Gallic Sector and helped to establish trade between the various young worlds. Eventually, as the government put more and more restrictions into place, the Corse were forced into maintaining their now less legal business along with those still legal.
During the First Gallic War, many of the Unione Corse (still disgruntled by the Crown's inconvenient new laws) sided with the Normandie rebels. This was not a wise, nor successful move. A great many were arrested by the Royal Police, and their control over the markets, black or not, was severely weakened. However, the police were having problems of their own. One such problem was a man named Timothy LaBrise, who led a small group of people that splintered from the GRP. His and his group managed to join the Corse, yet maintain a degree of autonomy from the rest.
Between the wars, other factions came to be more significant, such as the Gallic Brigands. The Unione Corse were able, for the most part, to have good relations with all.
This changed when some treacherous, greedy Junkers sold out bits of information on the Unione's darker operations to the Gallic Police. Bourbon Base, owned by the Gallic Junkers, was seized by the LaBrise as revenge. Everyone on board that station was murdered, and surprisingly, there was no further retaliation from the Junkers. Instead, they built a new base in Burgundy. A bigger one; a better one.
Later on, when the Second Gallic War began, the Unione Corse were far more discreet about which side they favored. As a result, both sides treated the Corse with suspicion. Nevertheless, the Unione Corse delivered prototypes of the GRN's mine-neutralizing devices to the Maquis, which were then recreated in sufficient numbers by the Council. From there, these devices were used to clear that narrow path into the Lorraine minefield.
Around this time, many concerns arose over the lack of unity and loyalty among the Corse, which proved true when an internal conflict between LaBrise and Orsini's Corse came about. LaBrise worked with the Gallic Crown, whereas Orsini led his forces openly against it. During this war, the leader of LaBrise was mysteriously murdered about when Orsini himself disappeared. At the end of the struggle, LaBrise were no more. In fact, most of the Unione Corse was no more.
Led by a man who joined under a pseudonym a few years prior, the Unione Corse slowly got back to its feet. The General restructured the balance of power, giving the families some control whilst keeping their politics separate from the main ranks. Quietly establishing its influence, the Corse branched more out of Gallia. And even though the Unione Corse were sure to keep work against the Gallic Crown secret, Sirian connections also serve as a safe-guard if they marked them as enemies.
Today, the Corse have been able to establish many relations outside of Gallia, presenting themselves as a mostly lawful group that is eagerly willing to smuggle commodities and information to its allies. The organization also props up the Confederate member known as the Minarchy, as a means to operate more at ease within the lower regions of inner Gallia.
General Information
ID Papers: Unione Corse IFF Transponder: Corse - Legal Status: Quasi-legal Name Tag: [UC] Callsign (Fighters, Bombers): [UC]-FirstName.LastName Callsign (Gunboats, Freighters, Transports): [UC]V-ShipName Callsign (All - optional): [UC]-CodeName
Primary: Extending their influence to Sirius, generating a profit Secondary: Support the new Minarchy and its interests within the new Confederacy, rally against any encroaching interests from the Duchy or Enclave Tertiary: Protect Gallia from Nomads and the Outcast menace, maintain control over the Gallic black market
Completed: Eliminate the Gallic Junkers as a threat to their interests within the Gallic black market, covertly assist its allies against the Gallic Crown
ALLIED (+.9) - Minarchy, Confederacy of Gallia: The upstart government seated in Provence was unexpected and, at first, unwelcome in the eyes of the Corsican leadership. Its timing among the political climate of the late Second Gallic War was tenuous at best. However, the combination of creative minds, well-placed friends, and well-greased palms quickly revealed how beneficial the situation had become. ALLIED (+.8) - Maquis: Despite their use of almost entirely different methods, the Maquis get along rather well with the Unione Corse. They also used to be a main oil supplier. ALLIED (+7) - Gallic Brigands: The Brigands work with the Corse to control the entire Gallic Black Market. Sometimes, the Unione Corse are hired by Gallic Corporations as escorts to shoot at the Brigands (so that they can evade piracy). So the Corse takes their money and have a mock fight with the Brigands while the trade ships leave. Cat, mouse, and dog. ALLIED (+.7) - Independent Miners Guild: The relationship with IMG began as a simple arms deal, but grew more and more as time grew on, from supplying Fort Siloso to joining ore convoys to fighting the Outcasts with them (for cash, too!). FRIENDLY (+.6) - Crayter Republic: For a few years now, the Corse have maintained covert support for this group, who are set against the Gallic Crown. As a growing nation, financial investment has also been very profitable. FRIENDLY (+.5) - Hogosha: Sharing many similar quasilawful characteristics and having conducted trade with them, the Hogosha are considered good friends by the Corse. FRIENDLY (+.5) - Samura Heavy Industries: After the Kusari-Gallia summit at New Tokyo, a set of beneficial trade deals were established. A mutual connection with the Hogosha furthered this friendship. FRIENDLY (+.4) - Order: An Order subgroup established intelligence contacts with the Corse, Maquis, and even a Brigand group back in 735 AGS, which has come in use a few times since then. FRIENDLY (+.4) - Republic, Confederacy of Gallia: While the Unione Corse had worked together before to help the Council, neither group ever fully trusted the other. The Republic resulting from the Council's efforts is hesitant to recognize this, but also holds no ill will untowards the modern Corsicans, and both have an unwritten policy of lenience towards each other. CORDIAL (+.3) - Gallic Metal Service: Cordial relations are maintained with this company, who frequently offer to mine valuable ores for the Corse. CORDIRAL (+.3) - Deep Space Engineering: Hailing from Liberty, this corporation has contracted the Corse for supply shipments in the past, and continues to be a supporter. CORDIAL (+.2) - ALG Waste Disposal: They occasionally join Independent Miners Guild convoys that the Unione Corse are a part of, and have gotten along well so far. NEUTRAL (+.1) - Temporary Autonomous Zoners: Through the Colonial Republic's link with this edgeworlds group, the Corse have assisted their Movers with a couple supply contracts to TAZ bases. NEUTRAL (+.1) - Interspace Commerce: Attempts to make a lucrative deal with IC failed when they had a series of leadership issues. NEUTRAL (+.1) - Independent Neuralnet Division: Similar problems with Interspace were had here as well, since the contact within the IND just disappeared. NEUTRAL (0) - Farmers' Alliance: The Alliance are friends with the Hogosha, so they don't mind the Unione Corse's presence in Kusari too much. NEUTRAL (0) - Other Corporations: Most corporations are considered neutral by the Corse, unless they can provide a lucrative contract, or encroach upon their smuggling turf. NEUTRAL (0) - Liberty Lawfuls: Many months before Leeds' fall, they began to consider the Unione Corse to be similar to Kusari's Hogosha, instead of just another hostile Gallic faction. The Corse were hired for cryocube shipments, which was very good for business. NEUTRAL (0) - Kusari Lawfuls: Kusari authorities occasionally may be wary and unsure of Corse vessels, but no problems have come about. More recently, trade through Kusari and with Samura has increased. NEUTRAL (-.1) - Ile-de-France Shipping: Overly suspicious or panicky Gallic trade vessels can be an annoyance to the Corse, who usually have no hostile intent. Business still occurs between them, but with a noticeable amount of unease. NEUTRAL (-.1) - Bouvet Space Entertainment: This subsidiary of IDF Shipping seems ill at ease with the Unione Corse's front companies having a foray into the luxury entertainment indrustry. NEUTRAL (-.1) - Archangel Fighter Club: A curious bunch of freelance racers, hunters, and smugglers, the AFC has been pursuing closer relations with the Corse since the beginning of 738. NEUTRAL (-.1) - Other Zoners:Zoner? ZONERZONERZONER These pesky outlanders occasionally think they're able to smuggle goods in and out of Gallia. SUSPICIOUS (-.2) - Grand Duchy, Confederacy of Gallia: The conclusion of the Second Gallic War did little to affect their relationship with the central nobility structure. They remain suspicious (without proof) of the Unione Corse, and of course many Corsicans have their own reservations against the former Gallic Crown. SUSPICIOUS (-.3) - Bretonia Lawfuls: Usually not trusted for being Gallic, the Unione Corse do not linger within their borders for long. A few times transports have even been turned back upon entry. SUSPICIOUS (-.3) - Generic Pirates: Generally viewed as opportunistic fools, these people don't have any real money making potential. SUSPICIOUS (-.3) - EFL Oil & Machinery: Initially similar to IDF Shipping, but with their acquisition of Solar Engineering as a subsidiary, suspicions have risen about them inheriting their nemesis' policies towards counterfeit software and holo- or hypno-tainment bands. UNFRIENDLY (-.4) - Liberty Rogues: One brief encounter demonstrated how undesirable these Outcast allies are. UNFRIENDLY (-.45) - Solar Engineering: An ancient nemesis, Solar seeks to thwart and disrupt Unione operations whenever possible. Given their corporate subsidiary status as part of EFL, retaliation against them must be subtle. UNFRIENDLY (-.55) - Blood Dragons: These revolutionaries from Kusari strayed from their goals to take a bounty out on the Corse without provocation, and claimed that their employers were Sirian Junkers, no less. While they have been without obvious ill intent for some time, they remain viewed with ire for their lack of honor. HOSTILE (-.6) - Siran Junkers: Having crossed the proverbial line too many times, the Unione Corse have decided to make these pathetic scrap haulers pay for their insolence and kindred with the Outcasts. HOSTILE (-.7) - Golden Chrysanthemums: Encounters with the Golden Chrysanthemums are not common, but they are most unpleasant. HOSTILE (-.7) - Lane Hackers: A brief, secret partnership existed with the Hackers, but it didn't go very far due to concern about the trustworthiness of this distant unlawful cell. This proved true, after they harassed, threatened, then attempted to sell out the Corse. HOSTILE (-.87) - Royal Enclave: The remnant of the most devout Gallic Royal Navy fleets has eschewed any suspicions into outright hostility. Their space and vessels are to be tread around with utmost caution. HOSTILE (-.8) - Outcast Aligned Pirates and Smugglers: These Cardamine addicted ruffians have nominated themselves to be targets of the Corse, given the sorts of trouble they have made. HOSTILE (-.9) - Outcasts: In addition to the majority of the Unione Corse's friends being opposed to them, the possibility for more competition in the Gallic black market will not be tolerated. HOSTILE (-.9) - Nomads/Wilde: Well informed by the Order, the Corse target them with the highest priority.
UCN-Minerva: A liner modified to equip a pair of docking bays, this vessel serves as the 'flagship' of the Unione Corse. [Lucullus] UCN-Veilleur: This freighter, cloak capable, has been tasked for reconnaissance missions, and is permitted to fly outside the normal Zone of Operation. Currently assigned to Membre Raoul Gardon. [Courier] Altereur Squadron: These fighters are larger and heavier than the Cuirassier Noirs, providing the ability to use experimental weaponry and Class 2 turrets. [Coubres & Pliers] Coffre: Usually stationed at Bastia Base, this freighter is used to store experimental weaponry. [Aurochs]
Primary Front Companies
New Paris Conglomerate: This group specializes in financial loans, insurance markets, and exploration. It represents the continuing drive of the Unione's founding and lawful interests since 105 A.G.S.. Corsican Munitions and Crafts: An LLC focusing on being the reasonable explanation for our combined shipping, bounty hunting, and escorting activities, as well as ships and weapons production.
Zone of Influence: Gallia, Taus, Gallic Bretonia, Kyushu, Rishiri (Tau-53), Omicron Tau (Omicron-80) Zone of Operation: Kusari, Bretonia Borderworlds, Bretonia House Space, Sigmas, Liberty, Omicron-Alpha, Baffin, Coronado, Cortez, Magellan, Nottingham (Omega-3), Omega-7, New Berlin, Frankfurt Stuttgart, Hudson, Bering, Kepler, Galileo
COMMAND - General (General): Leader of all paramilitary affairs. (Max: 1) COMMAND - Commandant (Commander): An experienced, high ranking officer who can act in the General's stead. (Max: 2) COMMAND - Parrain (Godfather): In charge of all domestic affairs, and clued into paramilitary operations. (Max: 1)
PARAMILITARY - Lieutenant (Lieutenant): A senior membre, usually charged with running patrols or combat operations. (Max: 5, dependent on faction size) PARAMILITARY - Membre (Member): Have proven themselves worthy of the Corse. (No limit) PARAMILITARY - Aspirant (Cadet): The raw recruits from Corsican families or friends, who must earn their keep. (No limit)
DOMESTIC - Parrain (Godfather): In charge of the Famille Senat. The Parrain must report to it on a regular basis to account for his actions to them, provide a status on the paramilitary, and update them on all front companies. (Max: 1) DOMESTIC - Tribun (Tribune): On a board of senateurs that are elected by and oversee the Famille Senat. This panel also assists the Parrain in his work and holds him accountable. (Max: 5, dependent on faction size) DOMESTIC - Senateur (Senator): A head family member who represents their interests and investments within this Coriscan governing body. (No limit)
FRONTS - Directeur (Director): The figurehead of a Unione Corse front company; usually a Commandant, Tribun, or Senateur. (Max: 1 per front company) FRONTS - Adjoint Directeur (Assistant Director): An associated executive who assists the director in keeping up appearances. (No limit, characterized as needed) FRONTS - Employee (Employee): A "role" any Corsican strikecraft pilot or ship captain takes upon themselves when communicating with specific parties of certain or unknown discerning perspectives. (No limit, characterized as needed)
Digression: Neither the general nor a commandant can represent their families in the Famille Senat; they must choose another family member to do so. L'Famille Senat votes to decide on the affairs of the Unione Corse. A family's power in the senate is dependent on its size, wealth, and history. For every four family members of age who contribute to Corsican interests, that family gets a seat, and those with great wealth and history get to vote first, as a sign of respect. The panel of Tribuns can vote to remove anyone of any position, but a four-fifths majority is required.
Code of Conduct
In-Game Communication: Members are required to stay in-roleplay at all times in /s system and /l local chats. Out-of-roleplay in /g group chat must be marked with // unless otherwise agreed upon by all members of that group. In-Game Roleplay: Players must keep in mind who their characters are; in personality, background, and reactions. They are also to understand the position of characters they encounter, and the fact that other people are behind them. In-Game Combat: Fair fights are encouraged, though not strictly required. That said, we do not gank. As per our ID, we can treat bountied transports as combat targets, but we will make attempts for alternate encounter conclusions if possible. In-Game Equipment: Ships and weapons from the Tertiary Tech Usage all require permission from the Armed Command to use. [UC] will not field more than two Ascos in one area at once, and if only two of us are online, just one Asco. In-Game Trading: Members should attempt to maintain a proper balance of lawful goods to contraband items. Although this faction has a strong focus in the black market, we must stick to being quasilawful. Forums Roleplay: As a roleplay-oriented faction, members who seek out RP opportunities for their characters (in the Communications Channel, [UC] Subforum, Stories and Biographies, etc.) will be rewarded appropriately for their work. Other Factions: For inRP purposes, metagaming, powergaming and ooRP espionage, either detrimental or beneficial towards this faction, will not be tolerated. General Roleplay: Alternate (alt) characters may be necessary for some positions, depending on the background or current position of your main character. To prevent confusion in creating an alt however, please contact the HC. General Behavior: Remember the old 0.0 rule, folks - be kind and fair towards one another. Also, the sandwich rule (or equivalent food) really does come in handy. Keep in mind that it's just a game, and the purpose is to have fun, not to win.
Edit One: 9 July 2013 [Diplomacy, Bounty Boards] Edit Two: 29 November 2013 [Diplomacy, Discovery v4.87 updates, Important Links] Edit Three: 3 March 2014 [Diplomacy, Important Links] Edit Four: 4 April 2014 [General Information - UCN switched for V (Navire to Vaisseau)] Edit Five: 20 July 2014 [Diplomacy, Technology Usage, Special or Noteworthy Ships and Squadrons, Zones, Code of Conduct (NEW!), Important Links] Edit Five: 25 July 2014 [Technology Usage, Special or Noteworthy Ships and Squadrons, Registered Bounty Boards, Important Links] Edit Six: 5 Janurary 2015 [Diplomacy, Registered Bounty Boards] Edit Seven: 2 May 2015 [Diplomacy] Edit Eight: 10 June 2016 [Goals, Diplomacy] Edit Nine: 30 April 2020 [History, Goals, Diplomacy, Primary Front Companies, Hierarchies, Registered Bounty Boards, Images]
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)