(06-11-2013, 02:37 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: It is possible to restrict the sale of commodities based on reputation - much like you can with faction guns (or any type of equipment really). So if, for instance, we only sell Gate/Lane Parts at Pueblo, we could require a player to be +0.89 (full green) rep with Ageira before they'd sell those goods. I'm not sure of restricting them based on ID is possible.
What i meant with my post was to have it written in the ID, like the ZOI, a guide for better RP. We can discuss the restriction in the other thread.
For example:
Quote:; dsy_license_br_m_grp
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing ID
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing is a Bretonian mining and industrial corporation that competes with Daumann and the Independent Miners Guild. They mine Gold, Beryllium, Hydrocarbons and Niobum. They partner with Border World Exports, and prefer not to deal with Gateway.
Pilot carrying this lawful ID is an employee of Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, also known as BMM, who:
- Can attack unlawfuls and quasilawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, if they are within 10km of a Trade Lane or Jump Gate, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack unlawfuls, quasilawfuls and ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack Mollys anywhere.
- Can engage in piracy against GMS, IMG, Daumann and Kruger within the Taus and the Omegas only.
- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.