Quote:Release neurotoxins/viruses!
Base suppliers can help combat it by getting more water (clean water, some water gets 'infected' by toxins, or some food.)
Buy pharmacutacles/medicine whatever (I can't spell) to cure Space Crew?
Infected ones are converted to the cargo type 'Infected space Crew' and can't be deleted or something? OR make it so it says 6 out of 100 of your crew have been diagnosed with Type 3 diseases! (and still stay the same cargo) - Or install medical bays on your station to help prevent further diseases?
I am not in favour of aimless acts of violence against civilians. Because that is what the 800 people on board of a base are in my eyes. They are no combattants and thus I'd rather keep the fighting "clean", and not introduce the dirtiest types of warfare in a game.