From: Ms J. Frances, Head of Human Resources, Borderworlds Exports. To: Misters Harry Kent, Gabriel Cash and Geoff Dunim Topic: Your applications to join Bowex
Apologies for not responding sooner to your applications.
Unfortunately we have had a hold on all applications because of a shortage of ships, however with the increase in pirate activity (some of it home grown) and of course the on going war with Gallia we now have a shortage of pilots.
I would like to invite you all to an interview with our review board on Scarborough Station at 10:00 Newcastle Time on 05.07.819.
Since we have so many of you attending at once, the process may take most of the day, so we will be providing you with lunch.
Prio to your interview you may find it useful if you read our Corporate Handbook to give you some more information.