My first few patrols have happened over these passed few days, and here will be the first report. Finally got my first bit of action.
When I underdocked from Cali, I was recieving transmissions from other Contari Lance pilots laughing and cheering like they have just pirated a IMG Miner.
I gotta say I missed it, which sucked but moments later there was an IMG nyx fighter flying around Java Station. There was something weird about it though.
Gave it a quick scan and noticed it had no guns on it, just shield blasters a mine and a mini razor. We all started making fun of the poor bugger, then it tried running so we engaged it. As it did not comply to the request given.
The other Contari Lance pilots sat back and let me faught the Nyx pilot by my self and I am not gonna lie, he gave me heavy damage with the little weapons he had. I believe the call sign of this pilots ship was IMG|TheWickerMan.
Once the pilot start running back to Java, we all headed back to Cali and found a wonderful Flare gunboat. I quickly docked for ammo and supplies, before undocking again noticing they were already engaged to this gunboat.
So I quickly engaged and moments later, the pilot decided to head towards the sun with auto pilot on, am not sure if there was an escape pod or not. But the ship is dead.
(--- USER SIGNING OFF: Camillia Rose, Fanteria ---)