(08-02-2013, 12:35 AM)El Commandante Wrote: Story seems like the sort of thing that should be done by committee.
Especially the conflict resolutions bit.
Trust me, bad idea.
Elucidate, please, Mon seignior.
I know some of the troubles surrounding typical commitee processes here on Disco (the ...sluggish pace of the Corsair Council and the old Molly Council certainly comes to mind), and i've heard complaints about how admining works-ish, but wouldn't it be far more appropriate to distibute the important, game-changing bits? Or else shall we simply end up with another 4.86 smuggling whatchamabob?
*cough* not to mention that a commitee would certainly require more members, of which I and my vast knowledge of Corsair, Molly, and Interspace lore and roleplay would be more than honoured to help out with, but defintely no personal motives here.
gawd the words are not with me tonight.
EDIT: and stop editing your edits, man, there are children present!
Edit of an Edit: I misspelled edit.
The Edit of the Previous Edit that Was Also Edited: I give up now. Carry on.
Edit The Forth, The Editing: Also Known as the Edit that Should Never Have Been, Especially Considering How the Previous Edit Performed at Box Office, And Honestly, If They Make A Sequel To This Edit I'm Going to Kill Somebody:
This is an alt account, btw, DarthBindo here k thxbai