(08-16-2013, 11:17 PM)Sabre Wrote: what we dont need (and what xenosaga may mean is) are silent powertraders who dont RP and just try to thrust away.
If I might, just for a moment, draw everyone's attention to the fact that in reality no trader would start up a conversation with a pirate in space if the pirate asked him to stop.
If any ship asked the trader to stop, it would probably not comply and carry on to it's destination, unless it was a naval/police deal.
Silent traders are annoying because it's no fun, I get that, and I don't silent-trade for that reason.
However, assuming that we should set up a table with candlelight and violin music to confess our souls to each other over cakes (meoshi likes cakes) and tea is....insane.
I get why we do it, cuz two-party fun, but it's really not oorp to silently run from a hostile or unknown ship if your carrying millions of credits worth of cargo in space.