Why is Order Caps 10% to Liberty? I understand Geb and ORC, but Osiris? Seriously? Osiris was developed by Liberty, it should be at least 75%. If Liberty didn't make the Osiris, Order would be BSless.
Osiris needs its own cell since its no ones ship. Order stole it, they don't own it. LSF still have blueprints inRP, Casper stole the ship not the blueprints. So inRP, they can rebuild, but they have Dreadnoughts, and resources aren't alot. Is this a mistake and will get fixed, or is this " We claim Osiris to Order and no one else? "
I can understand Order made ships, I mean seriously, Order made them, Liberty shouldn't be having them. Snubs, well 75% is ok, no indie fly's a snub unless they don't care about RP. Usually official factions with good RP have one. But seriously, when did Osiris become Order permanent ship? I hope this gets fixed, because this is makes 0 sense.