(09-08-2013, 01:09 PM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: I remember reading (or discussing) this proposal with someone ages back, possibly last year. It had plenty of merit, particularly by virtue of engaging many different factions - and there weren't many other ideas on the table.
The current Kusari plot, so to speak, is mostly involving the riots on Honshu and a possible civil war with the return of the Exiles (which Gallia doesn't get involved with given it's an 'internal' matter and they're busy invading other places).
(09-08-2013, 08:02 AM)Dab Wrote: ... though I can still write up further detailed versions of the above if someone would like them, I think I still have many of the writeups about those.
I'll take a copy of the whole works.
Alright. I checked and didn't find the old text files, but I can rewrite them easily enough over the next few days.
The main problem with implementing this Kusari storyline, is you will have to roll back Aeternus Doleo's system changes to that region. His plans, last I was aware, was to merge Rishiri with the FA and GC guard systems, and then move Nagano... Somewhere? Cutting away its connection to Okinawa.
These 3 systems were designed to be connected as a loop, and severing that will remove all purpose from Rishiri and Nagano, leaving only Okinawa with some sense and purpose. I tried to make this clear before I left, but the dev team leadership at the time.. Wasn't very open minded to ideas not their own. I don't know if AD is still in charge of overall development or not, but if he is, you'll need to talk him into reversing those changes if you want this to work.