(09-17-2013, 07:07 PM)Haste Wrote: The irony is that missiles were significantly buffed, so your style will actually work now.
Was going to say that. 4.85 & 6 were completely useless when it came to using missiles in combat, unless you mounted your ship full with it, even then your death ratio was high.
Now you can just mount one missile and actually -expect- it to hit, which is something new around here.
Okay ! When you put it that way then yes i can live with that ! but still reducing the ammo of missiles to 45 from 70 I'd say there really is no need to change it ! I mean what's wrong with having the same ammount of missiles as the torpedoes mines and CMD?
plus switching the BS missile turret from energy based to ammo based really takes the fun out of that turret
1. Cannonball now deals 13k hull damage, it is fast, and its tracking is fantastic. Balance reasons.
2. Cap missiles - too many whine about missile spam in cruisers, killing all alive around.
I see Your point ! Still they could at least make it 40 instead of 20 ! ( not that it affects me in anyway since when it comes to Cap ships i preffer the Mortar over the Missile Turret)
And i preffer the Sidewinder over the Cannonball because the Sidewinder is a hybrid missile ! The Punch of a Torpedoe combined with the speed of a missile