Just thought this thread could use an objective view to you situation. In my opinion of what was laid out, Morse acted/communicated within his character's RP. The reasons behind his RP may be unclear (i.e. Hacker was a long-lost friend, informant, w/e), but if he didn't use FR5 as leverage, or something similar to that, then you (the player) shouldn't feel literally threatened. Other actions Morse could have done within his RP ranges from destroying your ship, helping the Hacker pirate, giving the hacker some ale, etc. As long as he (the character) is prepared of the potential consequences of his actions, he can do pretty much whatever he wants. Of course, unless he breaks a rule like 1.2. I hope that makes sense - it's a lil' late where I'm at. I guess one of the points I wanted to say was that it doesn't look like he was abusing any power. Just as much as he has the right to act within his character's RP, you have them as well. And just for "what if," if the LN would have FR5'd your character for not following the guy's orders. You could do some serious Public Relations damage with that kind of story (in RP of course).
As far as how much power an official faction has over the indies, it's all here:
Quote:4.7 Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official player factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.
To summarize, only the first and second in command of the official faction can actually give an independent in-RP orders.
Although, let me give you my perspective from the view of another official faction (USI). I typically see the independent Universal vessels as independent contractors for the official faction, [*USI*]. So, in a way I do see USI as the real Universal faction. However, none of our employees would claim authority over them since they aren't technically employed by us. Although, lets say a Universal Independent snub was shooting a Xeno outside of Trenton Outpost. To clarify, Xenos and USI are pretty much allied, but that democracy does not carry over to the Universal Independents. Anyways, so if we saw an indy of Universal doing this, we would certainly step in and try to break up the fight. We would have to do it in a way where it doesn't give away our secret relationship with the Xenos, and that may involve telling the independent to stand down (in so many words). Of course, the independent doesn't have to listen to us and we could fail our attempt on breaking up their fight.
- Think more about the RP of characters and their consequences, then the RP of a character and the possible rule violations. Almost anything can be justified with RP. Character reactions and in-RP consequences are included.