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:::ID: Oberst Erich Klugmann, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee:::
:::LOCATION:ERROR::: :::ENCRPYTION:Medium; Viewable by Munich System, Certain Rheinlandic Bar-Establishments, Freeports 1 & 2:::
People of Munich and Rheinland,
Your Bundestag has failed you. In their ruthless pursuit of personal profit, they have forgotten that their power is consolidated on the backs of Rheinland's people. You are the Keystone in their sturdy arch of Corporatism and Greed.
You need not keep that arch standing. There is a means of keeping responsible the perpetrators of your plight; Daumann, Republican, Kruger, Synth, Samura, Kishiro, and all other exploiters of your own misery.
That means is by aiding the cause of the Bundschuh. For more than a century, the Bundschuh have through political clout and a refusal to back down defended the rights of Rheinland's downtrodden... Particularly during this Munich catastrophe will it become apparent.
But the Resistance, the Widerstand to the Puppet Corporate Kanzlerdom, cannot survive without YOUR help. It cannot hold the perpetrators of this catastrophe accountable for the collateral damage their selfish excess caused without able men and women of any nationality to tell them "Nein".
We are not xenophobic in regards to Samura and Kishiro's causal of the Munich Tragedy. We are not communistic in regards to economics. But we do have a strong desire to keep the Rheinlandic government transparent, accountable, and able to be criticized.
Join the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee and lend a helping hand to your fellow man.