lolrawr Wrote:I love you guys...
gonna go fix my gray hairs now.
McNeo Wrote:Im so glad we won the discussion due to our superior teamwork ganking of this thread.
Good job team.
Well yeah that’s exactly the problem with you guys. You do things that you can’t justify and rely on your numbers and influence to gank people who try to talk reasonably to death with jpg spam and misrepresentations, knowing that you have enough friends in the admin and moderator team to let you get away with pretty much anything.
Max_Morse Wrote:You see, this is why I love being in [LN], we're all a big family, and if you push one of us, we all push back.
If I was the one who started pushing, then who was I pushing? I was IRP pushing one of your [LN] guys (Lythrilux) while he was on a lane hacker character not knowing who he was while he was right next to Manhattan, and I was simply following my canon RP. Following that Max Morse pushed me threatening me and quoting “regs” that don’t exist, IRP or OORP, to protect an [LN] guy on his Lane Hacker character. When I try to resolve the matter on the forum and the 2 guys involved already apologized and it would have been end of story, the LN higher-ups start pushing me and telling people that the non-canon RP orders they gave were justified and that what they did was good and right.
Tal Wrote:the ln sucks worst disco faction ever omg
Sadly, that’s correct, for the following reasons:
It’s the owning faction of the busiest activity hub and the starting point for most new players, and a faction that a lot of new players want to play as. And instead of spreading a positive attitude and acting as a good example, the [LN] act like a player clan that uses RP-canon-breaking OORP motivated “RP” to protect their members’ unlawful alt chars, and teach players to hate other players for doing canon RP or not complying with their nonsensical OORP-motivated RP orders.
Examples are plenty and you and you can see them trying to justify that kind of behavior right here, but I’ll just give the example of someone called Lux, showing how new players get influenced into negative behavior. When he started early this year he was just playing the game according to RP canon, we flew together (I was Lilith.Frost at the time, he a bounty hunter named Lux something), blew up outcast cruisers in Liberty with our fighters and bobmers. Then when I met him again after a few weeks, someone had put the idea into his head that when he uses a rogue cruiser to always pirate in the same spot in Pennsylvania, its bad behavior from lawfuls to attack him in superior numbers (he used the word “gank”, of course), and because of that, it was ok for him to return to the system to resume pirating even if he was PvP dead there, and to open fire on lawfuls without speaking a word (like on my lone indy LPI eagle for example) because I was just gonna call backup anyway. Someone had taught him to hate indy lawful players simply because they were doing their RP job and didn’t give him a “fair” fight in which he could win no matter how stupid and predictable he acted as a pirate. And he now thought he had the right to break rules and be a dick towards all indy lawfuls because of it.
Few months later, our friend Lythrilux (don’t know 100% if it’s the same person, but it doesn’t really matter) will still say how bad ganking is, but he doesn’t see a problem when his [LN]Zoe.Valentine + [LN]Max.Morse + a freelancer they hired go after my lone outcast VHF who wasn’t bothering nor near a lawful base (I don’t see a problem either, I just see a problem when they tell other people to fight 1 on 1 pretending they want to make it fair when all they wanna do it help their friend’s or faction-comrade’s rogue, Lane hacker, or reaver alt). Cause the [LN]’s way of being exemplary consists of “do as I say, don’t do as I do”. And then he takes his lane hacker to Manhattan where everyone knows some indy navy who is doing his job will attack him (when they could have done their RP in lots of places without being “bothered” by indy navy), just to have his [LN] friend threaten the indies and tell them to stand down without justification, completely breaking RP immersion just for the sake of showing who are the “better” players. After an at first almost fruitful attempt to bring him to reason with this thread, the [LN] higher-ups step in and try to bring him into the same pattern of BS RP and behavior again, and when they fail at their attempts of reasonable argumentation, the jpg spam begins again, just to show that its not what you know, its who you know here.
It’s still the same old [LN] that shot navy indies to protect nomads in Liberty, same old [LN] that commonly threatens or shoots indy lawfuls to protect unlawuls. They still say screw rules, screw RP, screw reasonable behavior towards players. All that matters to them is that they are the player gang that gets to do what ever they want and has the influence to get away with it. So yeah, that [LN] gang (which is also in several other factions) is pretty much the worst disco has to offer.
It's interesting to see what I used to be like and what I am now. It's enlightening.
I think I have to thank you for your post. You've made me realize how much of a hypocrite I have become recently.
However, my problem back than (as it is now) was with Cap ship ganks. Which was why I hated them when I was in my Scylla. Note, Scylla. Often engaged by Liberty capitals.
But yeah, I guess you've kinda been an eye opener on this for me personally.
And those good Lillith and Lux times <3 RIP.