It is a difficult situation I agree 100%. Just look at it from the perspective that it allows you to expand your roleplay avenues as with several suggestions before. Imagine a real life scenario, you wouldn't be rolling around with an ID that says, hey police come get me?
As long as you go about 'proving' their guilt in a means that isn't malicious or obnoxious then you shouldn't have a run in with the admins, after all they aren't thick, they can see when someone genuinely flaunts the system and when someone does the best with what they are given.
IMO (I operate both a BHG GB and a Pirate GB) it is nice because it forces bounty hunters to enter into more RP than "your ID says you are $$$ for me so pew pew". Ultimately it would be nice if the same could be done for pirates to generate more positive fun RP before we just blow each-other up, but that can be hard when you encounter lolWut power traders who just ignore and spam CM and cruise.
TL: DR version - Difficult to deal with. Imagine a real life situation, would not admit guilt. Increases RP opportunities. Rant about lolWut power traders.