It has always been a small wonder to me why Liberty's downtrodden never founded a movement similar to our own. I have a theory; perhaps it is because for the poor and downtrodden to truly pull themselves from their class, they must damped (to an extent) more self-serving premises such as profit and power so that all might share in the benefit of what is rightfully theirs.
Your wealth or net worth is irrelevant to our desire to aid you; as a Widerstand member we will provide you with all of the equipment you might need, as well as an education rivaling the finest universities Sirius has to offer. Admittedly we are in dire need of an expansion to our merchant "fleet", and I believe you would be the perfect captain of one such vessel with some training.
If our goals in Rheinland are successful within our lifetimes, I would surmise that "Served in the Widerstand" would be an excellent addition to your résumé.
Welcome to the cause, Aktivist. Whether under your own power or with the aid of Rheinland's "shady" invididuals, secure transport to the Taunusfeld on the dark side of Holstein, Frankfurt. I'll clear permission for you to dock at Bruchsal, our headquarters and main hangar. From there we'll work together to fight for Rheinlandic people's rights.