(11-14-2013, 01:07 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ... unless you were pirating a Zoner right in front of inactive base defenses of course. If you're going to be hostile to the Zoners, be hostile to the Zoners. Sitting outside a base, hitting the faction that base belongs to -is- a violation... most likely sanction would be that the admins apply the FR5 without the Zoners requesting it (because shooting a Zoner in front of a Zoner base... is kinda a no brainer that the Zoners wouldn't like that. 'Xept maybe the Discordians. They're weird. And the ZA. If they still exist. They're weird too. In an aggressive way. But I digress. Much like a Discordian. Anyone got an apple?)
I enjoyed reading this post, mostly the last half of it.