(11-14-2013, 01:07 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ... unless you were pirating a Zoner right in front of inactive base defenses of course. If you're going to be hostile to the Zoners, be hostile to the Zoners. Sitting outside a base, hitting the faction that base belongs to -is- a violation... most likely sanction would be that the admins apply the FR5 without the Zoners requesting it (because shooting a Zoner in front of a Zoner base... is kinda a no brainer that the Zoners wouldn't like that. 'Xept maybe the Discordians. They're weird. And the ZA. If they still exist. They're weird too. In an aggressive way. But I digress. Much like a Discordian. Anyone got an apple?)
But yea, pirating in front of the freeports... it could have nasty consequences if it becomes commonplace. Such as the house government responsible for securing that lane saying "enough's enough. Dispatching gunboats to make sure pirates don't come there anymore." And that would mean smuggling to and from that Freeport would be a lot harder. Unlawfuls have a vested interest in keeping the peace around the freeports - that's how those ports remain "free".
It was GMG, and I wasn't camping the base, merely passing though in a Cruiser, it has enough fire power to order a trader to stop, and could kill it before it moves to the insta-dock point.
It was a moment of opportunity a pirate would never pass up, I would never sit outside a Zoner base waiting for targets in a Cruise, that would be ridiculous.
If there was a Zoner outside the base when the GMG was there, I wouldn't have bothered.