(12-03-2013, 01:35 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Guess what!!?? In RL, huge battleships used to be kings of the oceans until a few planes demonstrated that they could drop some bombs/torpedoes on it and sink it with relative ease. This revolutionized naval warfare and led to the development of the aircraft carrier and the carrier group. Why should this aspect of the game be so dramatically different because it's in space? (Didnt we have this discussion before?)
Guess what, Freelancer is not RL. You can't rely on having escorts like RL battleships can (unless maybe you're the LN, BAF, RM, GRN - but there are a whole lot more factions that have BS than just those four), and so I don't think we should balance BS around escorts being necessary. Furthermore, FL caps don't really serve the same purpose as their real-life contemporaries, because again, unless you're the LN or something, how often are you going to siege a base or have an opportunity for snubs to dock on you?
I think BS needs to be good at something one might expect to do reasonably often - and imo, that thing is killing cruisers. And it would take a change like this for me to be even willing to consider what the OP suggests.
We have had this discussion before, and we're getting off topic, but I think sufficient sentiment against the OP has already been expressed.