Tyro you are not right. You are not right because the proportion of indie/faction players in the server is broken for years. From my PoV if there are indies playing faction X then it is more logical that there should be official faction. The problem is not the official factions here, the problem is that there is 0 intensive and pragmatical reason one indie to join the official action that toys and lore he is already using
My experience as faction member and faction leader is that it just takes too much time to deal with side things and that leading a official faction actually reduces your game time by half for 0 in-game rewards. I am up for 2 or 3 ID levels that allow Indies to have fun with basic stuff, second ID level allows half-faction members that have access to more stuff and can form their own lets say squads/clans etc something like todays unofficial factions with some freedom to do whatever they want within the day to day RP. I see no reason why for example SFC is with not [LN] in front and SFC in back of the names while the LN can go with something like P for primary at their back or whatever. The different squad numbers that were used in the huge events two years back can work here quite nice. In Kusari-Gallia event most of the people that play together used the KNF tag in front and created their own imaginary military suqdron using different numbers like 5th,7th,99th etc.
The third level IDs should be limited to 4-5 and they should have some exclusive toys. Lets say LN leader would have 1-2 to his disposal and SFC leader would have 1-2. The faction minimum time must be 60 hours and the minimum active members must be 10 for big factions and 8 for smaller ones.
Edit for Haste under me:
The activity checks could be made once per two months.So the the total time of the two months can be used instead of each single month. Also the warnings actually work since it give grace time for factions in trouble to fix their numbers.
Factions must be classified because it is likely that house military to have more members then some minor faction so the gains and the requirements for the bigger factions should be higher.
This system allows the players to play their own thing and to progress in order to get the shiny exclusive stuff, so they are more interesting in playing the game in RP and in faction development.
I wont go deeper because it is really sad how some indies just consume and use the stuff that the official faction members worked hard to add to the mod like ship models and diplomatic relations.
http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=77482 http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=63307
In my previous post I gave 2 links that lead to two different discussions over the same problem. One is mine PoV that is 4 years old the other is Del's PoV that is two years old and he made it when he was active admin asking for input how to change the official factions in order to make the people actually join them. I guess they are worthy to read instead of writing the same things leading to the same results over and over again each couple of years or till the server is totally dead because the people that set the stage cannot see and address the problems.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)