- Vanilla caps used to have multiple parts, allowing splash damage weapons multiple damage by amount of parts blast radius covered
- .83 battleship flak cannon, was an almost invisible tiny dot projectile that dealt invisible explosion with wide radius slash damage (aka bane of vanilla caps)
- Deleting ships outright as a sanction punishment was common, as is turning them into starfliers and placing at Temple of Revenant
- Nomad ships were available to purchase from Planet Gammu but were not allowed to be flown - players who did that were sanctioned by admins (few escaped though)
- At one point Nomad ships were to be removed from the mod for .84 update
- The infamous Harris traderoute where you simply trade goods between the planet and bretonia battleship stationed right outside
- Dyson sphere inner system had jumpholes and was a part of trading route
- Several factions (Gallia being most notorious for that) had NPC bombers who, while had no clue about how to properly use SNAC, had infinite powerplant
- Helghast faction and had own Helghast ID
- Asgard Warriors aka zoner-kinda-sirius-police-force
- Actual Neutral ID before it was made non-RP item