My name ist Axel Eichel, former politician of the Rheinland Republic. Ich was born on Planet Hamburg, 795. I'll keep the exact location private to secure the safety of mein family.
I joined the field of Politics in 817, after my graduation from college where I majored in Politics. I'm a fighter, both in tongue und weapon. I am a true patriot, I have always loved mein Vaderland, but after recent events involving the destruction of a refugee ship, mein ideas have changed.
I am brought here to create the Vaderland we were promised. Freedom, acceptance, justice. All of these things aren't present in the current system, I hope to put my heart, soul, body, sweat, blood und tears into changing that.
This is the fight of true Patriots, the days of corruption are coming to a close, und Ich hope to be on the right side when the Government falls.