(02-16-2014, 11:42 AM)Vipera Berus Wrote: Does it really matter that you cant transfer stuff without a second player or a PoB?
I found it gave me incentive to build a PoB just to have the option of transferring if I wanted.
Unless of course you are transferring stuff between ships on opposed IDs, like swapping armor from a Legate to a Liberty Dread. It would be odd to see those two ships dock up at the same place, it would be much better if the oorp equipment transfer happened in an oorp area like Conn.
If you own a large collection of ships and you change and update them frequently, it can be a drag having to ask people to help you out all the time. I've got 5 or so ships docked up that I never use because I need to swap around gear on them and I can't be bothered to ask someone else to give me half an hour of their gametime to help me sort something out that I might go and change in 2 days.
They should have kept it as it was, and made multiboxing sanctionable everywhere but in Conneticut. Besides I am sure it is still possible to multibox for those that really want, I recall having seen a sanction notice lately, so in effect you are mostly harming those that want to legitimately transfer gear between their own ships.