Yes, I feel like nitpicking today, hehe. Burn me with a plasma torch if you want to.
*The not so famous or renowned Spaaaace.Archaeologist, aka. Sokol, aka. Stricev (Stričev) threw a shovel as hard as he could at the nearby tree. For the good part of the day he had been excavating a pit on the graveyard of Disco; a grim and desolate place of gloomy shadows cast by dilapidated tombstones, which were illuminated by the ghostly light of a poorly textured Moon. Above, in the night sky dotted with millions of cold stars, ships could be seen - nothing more than brief scintillations giving rise to the idea that space was not as empty as it seemed.
Finally! He uncovered the long lost corpse! Let its rotten stench spread in the night air, let it...breathe again!*
Rheinlanders continue to use MOX on their fighters and freighters. That is wrong.