The truth is that RP died more or less with the Tech-chart. It was shitty without it, now it is shitty with it.
I guess that tech-chart should stay but official factions should get Free 1-2 SRP IDs per faction. They could use then this to RP with other factions based on in-game actions to develop the said ships. Let this be capital ships that require certain amount of resources to build combined with certain RP-backstories.
Nerf the current free for all Caps. Introduce Mk2 caps with the same models that need to be made in POBs. Introduce MK2 Cap guns- POB made as well. Add huge chance to loose the Mk2 stuff upon death. Make sure that certain factions keep certain resources that one would need so the people have things to bargain and RP for.
(03-17-2014, 10:04 PM)ryoken Wrote: To much attitude towards others that want to play "FREELANCER"
None stops you to play freelancer. There is huge amount of civilian ships and freelancer IDs that allow it without any particular restrictions.
However if you are part of something like Navy it is logical to follow the command structure of the thing right? You cannot be freelancer officer of the liberty navy. The existence of "inide" capital ships is idiotic softly said.
And here the Rabbit gets out of the hat. If you does not like lets say Liberty Navy rules and stuff, apply for SRP for rogue Liberty Navy Capital ship. Strike in-RP deals with the unlawful factions around Liberty in order to have some safe docking place etc etc.
At the end you would have some deeply RPed character and ship that would be known around the place.
I dunno if you remember the old Corsair-Reaver RP - guns for kills. Factions should also get 3-5 Associate Freelancer IDs. Lets say that the said IDs should not have any nerf on the said faction tech but should also include line that the ID owner is not allowed to shoot the said faction while using the ID.
SRPs now are not special. They were in 4.85. Now it is quite easy to get one without having any skypefriends. Check the list and you would see some random people getting stuff. People that are not so known around and have not so much skypefriends. Also with the proposed system above every faction would be able to grant half-SRP.
Bottom line there is little to no intensive to write high-level RP stories and create deeply RPed characters and ships if you cannot be rewarded with in-game items for doing so. You would never have deeply RPed server when everyone and his dog can buy everything after investing several hours afk trading. Also with the current rates soon there would be no server at all.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)