People do this, because staying in one faction and constantly fighting the same people causes bad blood between the players.
My first faction were the Outcasts, and I noticed that at some point, after a few years of playing with them, I started hating Corsair players. Not characters. Players.
Ganks, being utter neusances and so on. Then I switched IDs. Turns out both sides are equally dickish.
Never EVER play one side or one ID. If you play in Liberty, join opposing factions. It helps a lot. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong.
EDIT: As far as faction leaders go, most are skypefriends anyway.
Skypefriends = RP on Disco in terms of getting things done.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: