The face of the newly appointed UoG leader appears on monitors, hit voice on the radios, every news station tuned in Bretonia was filming this moment. The speaker began.
"My friends in Bretonia, you have all lived to long under the oppression of the Queen and her lackeys, no longer shall you suffer under their tyranny! The time has come once more, the Queen believes the Union has been defeated...HA! I, Daniel Barnabas tell you this, I and my brothers will not rest till the fight is finished in Dublin, until all the gold is ours, until our independence has been achieved, we will fight you! I encourage you, all Bretonians, this Monarchy has failed us, now is the time, now is the time to rise up once more. We will perservere! We are reborn...for gold...for freedom!
The man stepped down from the podium and enourmous bouts of cheering were heard.
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