(05-13-2014, 05:00 PM).Gypsy. Wrote: I would make the planets like the ones in Freeworlds: Tides of War because they are super cool, you dock right on the planet.. no docking rings! And they have an atmosphere, Ive never seen anything so cool in FL.
I would also give snubs the same sense of speed that they have in FTOW as well.
You have forgot something, the features of Tides of War. Stuff like sending NPC Squadrons as a Carrier to attack people and also Tactical Map when you press Shift + Space
There are alot more features that are pretty cool stuff like Auto Turret and actually beeing able to show targets inside the Tactical Map and it auto selects it for your Group Members too (people inside your group).
As well, Crossfire Graphics
and VHF dogfight imo, it's just as a fighter you die fast it's a fact Also I would take the different sectors from Crossfire too y'know, like Sectors outside Sirius which you can reach (stuff with Supergate as you mentioned) to reach places outside the Sirius Map and explore the areas. Also Planet side landings, oh yeas those are awesome some examples:
Or allow PoB capital ship construction you know there are blueprints which you can upgrade your Core Base right? So make Blueprints for ships for Official Factions as example the Bretonia Carrier, the model is already in game but they'd have to finish constructing it on their PoB. Not to mention that this feature would be freakin genious for SRP requests
EDIT: Yes imagine once you requested SRP ship after that admin gives you the blueprints to build it on your base Once you're done with the resources you take a screen and the Admins will give you the Ship with visual proof (as they'd probably check the base out themselfs if it's realy done) Something like Ship Construction Port, once it's done and admins approved it, it'll get removed and you get the requested Ship