Y'know, I really thought about staying out of this one. However, I feel like I might have something to add, so let's go for it.
The issue with the scanners is to me, like stated previously, that they detract from player interaction, however mediocre it might happen to be. I fly around with a standard scanner, the 8k one. Almost all of my ships do, depending on their role. 95% of my ships are, have been, and will be traders, and I've never felt the need for a longer scanner range, tbh, because if I don't feel like meeting someone while trading, I have other methods availible to me, which still work, six years down the line.
I therefore personally find that I can do without any long-range scanners on transports, since they don't add anything to my experience, really. I can't speak for anyone else, though.
Considered making them LF- and/or BS-exclusive? Giving the fast, nimble LF's an exclusive, superior scanner would make scouting valid again. Give them a 90% nerf on everything else. Call it a long-range scanner or whatever, if the name's such a problem.
Now. The main thing we need, as a community, is to be given the tools to make player interaction, the main point of the entire mod, as easy as possible. It's clear, at least to me, that these scanners do, in fact, not contribute anything to the mod in terms of roleplaying or enjoyment in their current implementation and usage, except for those who, intentionally or not, misuse them to be left alone, rather than seeking out roleplaying or giving everyone a fair chance. Heh, that last one used to be the traders' argument against the pirates, being given a fair chance and all. Isn't it funny how times change?
Oh, and as for the credit loss? Space is dangerous, things change, features get patched out. Call it what you want, but if something doesn't work, it's gotta go, and fast. There's too few of us out there anyway, and I'd prefer for this community to stick around for a while longer, myself.