My name is Tom Marwick. I have been doing a trade run from Pennsylvania to New London and then Dublin. I was going in a small, 2 ships convoy : [*USI*]Mombasa[T] and me [*USI*]Lincoln[T].Since I have a Bison class ship capable to defend myself I was the leading transport. After getting our cargo filled with ore by local miners we were about to go back to Liberty but I have been called by my colleagues in New London. They told me - exacly it was [*USI*]Iveco[T] - that RS|RTS-Bremen ship is atacking them. I have asked for ship class and ID and Iveco told me it is a Republican Shipping transport heavily armed and hostile. Since my ship was strong enough to protect my friends I hastly moved to New London to support them. When I was moving in lane from New London planet and Southampton Shipyard I bumbed into RS Bremen and without much chitchat said ship started atacking me so I wasn't idle. Soon since I am skilled enough Bremen got damaged and decided to retreat. I lost him by Southampton where he jumped via lanes to Newcastle gate. I rearmed at Southampton and decided to follow this individual so my colleagues can retreat to save location. Unfortunetly RS Bremen managed to rearm aswell and at the gates to Newcastle we started so to say "round 2" and this time I made a mistake of being too confident which resaulted in destruction of my vessel and cargo( 4200 units of gold ore - value : 4200u x 2000credits) being stolen by the RS ship. Multiple USI ships were pressent at the moment of my failure and they saw the blast of my ship including the cargo beeing taken by the Bremen. At this point my escape pod was moving to nearest recorded location and that was Southampton shipyard.
And from P. Corte:
Good Afternoon CLO Pawlak
I am filing this report due to a recent encounter with Rupublican Shipping. It seems that a couple of their captains are resorting to piracy for reasons unknown. A few days ago USI had a convoy had to Dublin to pick up a shipment of Gold. Along the way some ships became seperated. We all knew to proceed to Dublin so we did. I (captain of the Ixonia) arrived first along with the captain of the Lincoln. As we waited for a miner to fill our cargo holds we received an urgent message over our private comms, stating that the captain of the Iveco (who was in New London) had been "requested" to pay the RS Bremen the sum of 5 million Sirian Credits. He was then attacked by Bremen and requested any help available from our convoy. The captain of the Lincoln stated he would head there immediately and suggested that I made my way there once my cargo was full. As soon as my hold was full I proceeded to New London to do what I could. Upon arriving i found a full firefight between the USI Iveco, the USI Lincoln, the USI Mombasa and the RS Bremen and RS Lipsia. As I waited for orders the Ixonia was fired upon by the Bremen and possibly the Lipsia. I was then ordered to retreat to Liberty space. Shortly after I received news that the Iveco and the Lincoln were destroyed but the captains had safely made it to their respective escape pods and that the Mombasa was also retreating. I docked on a station (which I fail to remember to name - of could have been Kensington) to repair my shields. I then launched and headed back to Liberty. Along the way I encountered Bremen again as well as a BPA officer (Ship name Waldorf.Salad i believe). I was scared at this point so I followed my last known order to head back to Liberty ASAP. That will end my report for today.
Yours truly, P.Corte
According to those reports, Cpt. Corte survived this day safely.
Cpt. Marwick lost his cargo worth 8.400.000 s.c. because of RS ships.
Accordig to Cpt. Alfredo report, He have made a simple mistake. He lost cargo worth 8.400.000 s.c. too. Mistake was simple, because he didn't now buying price of the Gold Ore from local miners. I apologize for that.
To conclude, we demand a 16.8 millions s.c. as a redress of our pure loses, plus 28.2 millions as compensation for lost profit (this is the amount which was supposed to gain by traders without RS assault.
That makes 45.000.000 s.c. total
Credits should be send to [*USI*]Deposit. I hope, that will end our issues for good.
Martin Pawlak
Chief Logistics Officer
Universal Shipping, Inc.