POUR: Haut Commandement Corse
SUJET: Rapport de mission
I have to begin this report by stating the obvious. I am a woman of many talents. I can probably kill a man in more ways than a Holovid director can imagine. I've spent years studying different kinds of poisons and drugs, and consider myself to be an accomplished chemist. I've even trained under the wing of Lane Hackers when Sirius was revealed to us, teaching my Sirian and a few hints about the ins and outs of Sirian lanes. Piloting, though, is not one of my talents. Sure, I own a licence. Put me in a ship and tell me to point the guns in the generic direction of a transport, I can do. Slap me into a bomber and tell me to support against a capital vessel, everyone can do that, and I might even score a hit or two.
A snub pilot I am not, as this mission report proves.
Regardless, I met up with MacMahon in the Taus aboard my brand new Mistral Noir. I wasn't too comfortable with the ship, but c'est la vie. He informed me that we would be on some kind of 'watch' duty of some kind. Having never left the confines of the Borderworlds, I wasn't too sure what he was referring to.
Until we saw a Krueger vessel carrying our good stuff, at least. We swooped in to interrogate it, but it immediatly opened fire. MacMahon and I were forced to terminate the vessel. What a waste. Immediatly after, we intercepted a Sirian Junker carrying the nasty orange stuff. He didn't even bother bargaining and opened fire fire. Not that I'd bargain with a Junker, anyway.
Or so I thought until we met those Marauders fellows Apparently, they claim to be some kind of "clean" Junkers, I don't know them well enough to comment on that. I was suspicious at first as they were around Cali base, but they were 'friendly' enough for Sirians, I suppose. We started discussing business, our shared dislike for our Junkers, until some Outcast tried to kick the Junkers away from the area. I decided to teach some manners to it, but that's where the part where I'm not a pilot comes in play. I was completely unable to fight it off, and could only annoy it by swirling in pretty circles around him. Embarassing, uh?
Regardless, he got bored and left after a while, and the Junkers and we moved to a more appropriate area, the Freeport 10 I believe. We started discussing about Hypnotainments since we got a feel Nox might be too much for them to handle, and they seemed interested by the idea. It would probably be a good idea to contact them to try to cement some kind of deal in the matter before there may be any misunderstandings.
An Outcast did show up, and it seemed nice enough to respect the concept of Freeport. I didn't think they were civilized enough. We ended the mission shortly after, and so does my report.