(07-23-2014, 01:41 PM)Knjaz Wrote: Unless you can bring me an example on how to get into efficient firing range with CD-covered Liberty dread while flying a RMBS without the use of Cloaks.
Woah, calm down.
You are the one who mentioned fleet battle. In a fleet battle, both sides have necessary amount of snubs, cruisers, gbs and BS's to counter each others' sides. If not, it is not a fleet battle imo. If you want to take your RMBS in between the rear of a Lib Dread covered with CD support, you should have necessary backup for it, in terms of snubs/cruisers/gbs to counter the opposition snubs/cruiser/gbs.
You cannot take in a lone RMBS against a swarm of snubs/gbs/cruisers and a Lib Dread and expect to come out with the blue.