Herein lies the laws and rules governing the majority of the Freeports and Zoner stations in Sirius. We strive to keep the peace, as well as create a safe and welcome home to all Zoners, as well as visitors to our installations. We will though not allow ourselves to be pushed around or over due to those who deem us weak or without defenses. Below you will find the list of Zoner stations and their administrators, as well as Freeport Network Laws.
Section One - Base Administration
This is the current listing of station administrators for the various Zoner installations. It also contains recognized systems controlled by Zoners.
Planet Pygar - Currently administered by Phoenix Zoners. Open to all Zoner groups.
Planet Gran Canaria- Open to all groups.
Faction Owned Bases (for reference only)
[*] Nichols Trade Center Med Force Enterprises
[*] Med Force Academy
[*] Med Force Omega Hospital Phoenix
[*]Kadesh Orbital City
[*]Athens Station
Section Two - Laws
The following are laws which apply to Freeport Network Zoner installations:
1. The No-Fire Zone (NFZ) covers a 10 kilometer sphere around each Freeport Network station.
2. The No-Fire-Zone is an area in which no offensive actions against any vessel is allowed. This includes attempts at piracy/taxation, the use of weapons (Guns, missiles, mines, cruise disruptors), intentional ramming and the malicious redirection of weapons fire. Acts of piracy within the No-Fire-Zone are also prohibited. (Exception Zoner security assets.)
A) Combat or attempts to induce others to combat of any kind within the NFZ is prohibited as it endangers the station.
B) Vessels fulfilling a bounty posted by a Zoner faction or the Freeport Network are classed as Zoner Security assets (With regards to law 2) for the duration of their combat with the bountied party. Engaging of vessels other than the bountied party, other than in self defense or in direct pursuit of the bountied party will result in the immediate revocation of this privilege for the duration of combat and the vessel will be treated as a normal vessel subject to all penalties associated with breaking the No-Fore-Zone.
3. Use of Freeport Network stations to base off of for attacks against any group is prohibited.
4. No non-zoner capital class vessel shall remain within the NFZ of any given Freeport unless assisting ZFN approved vessel or the vessel in question is granted temporary permission by on-duty faction approved vessel. Capital class vessels that are asked to leave the NFZ shall do so immediately or face the full ramifications of violating Freeport laws.
A) Capital class vessels include Destroyer, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Carrier, Battleship and Dreadnought class vessels. Not included in this definition are Gunboat and Gunship class vessels and below.
5. A ship that runs to the Freeport under fire and docks is as guilty as the pursuer for bringing the fight to the base. The person chased will be fined or in extreme circumstances denied docking rights based on the severity of the offence and the vessels used in the altercation as well as the pursuer. Pursuing a ship into the NFZ for the purpose of combat or bounty collection is prohibited, unless otherwise noted below.
A) Any Zoner vessel that initiates hostilities and then attempts to run to the NFZ for cover shall be held in contempt and will be treated as any other pilot.
B) Zoner vessels that enter combat not of their own accord shall not bring said conflict towards a Zoner station, and if attempts are made to enter the NFZ while in combat will not be exempt.
6. Those deemed criminals or hostile towards Zoner installations as determined by Freeport Network station administration and their associates will be denied docking.
7. No base or other installation may be built within 15k of any claimed space without expressed approval from members of the a controlling entity. For example, OSI around one of its Freeports or a base constructed in Omicron Theta without group permission from OSI, MFE and Phoenix.
A) Pre-approved installations are the exception to this rule
8. Those judged to be in violation of the law are subject to penalties that include, but are not limited to: fines, bounties, and in extreme cases destruction of the vessel and denial of docking rights at all Zoner stations Sirius-wide.
The following are laws which apply to Omega 48 and Omicron Theta:
9. Combat between gunship and smaller vessels is permitted system wide, but are prohibited within 10K of any Zoner installation (This includes planet Gran Canaria).
10. The presence, passage, and combat of cruiser class vessels is permitted in Omega-48 and Omicron Theta, however, combat between these entities is prohibited within 20k of any installation except in self defense. Any vessel initiating combat with such vessels within 20k of any permanent or semi permanent installation is grounds for a fine or ban under Freeport Network Law.
11. The presence, and passage of Battleship, and Carrier class vessels is permitted in Omega-48 and Omicron Theta, however combat involving such vessels is prohibited except in self defense. Any vessel initiating combat with such vessels liable for a fine or ban under Zoner law.
12. Any group or vessel found to be in combat with a Zoner vessel within Omega 48 and Omicron Theta will be required to make an official communication to the Freeport Network explaining the circumstances. Should they fail to respond or fail to have a compelling reason the commanding officers or superior organisation of said group will be contacted, and will be liable for a fine or ban under Freeport Network Law.
Section Three - Restricted Space and Installations
Baffin - The entire system is held as a NFZ by the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, and NFZ policies apply system wide. Their laws can be found here.
Pueblo Bunito - Only TAZ members and approved persons may dock at their sacred Temple.
Omega 48 - The entire system is held as a revised NFZ by the Freeport Network (Please see Section two, articles nine through twelve).
Omicron Theta - The entire system is held as a revised NFZ by the Freeport Network (Please see Section two, articles nine through twelve).